Joe Samples Well Drilling strives to provide the best quality groundwater possible. However, water from wells may, at times, have high concentrations of minerals that must be treated and removed prior to use. If you have water that causes staining or has a bad odor or taste, Joe Samples Well Drilling can help.
The Nature of Water
The need for safe, healthy water is critical to all human life. We need to consider the nature of water. Water has the ability to dissolve some portion of nearly everything with which it comes in contact. No matter if the material is natural or man-made, water seems to always dissolve, and hold in solution, some part of what it passes through or is contained in. In fact, water is referred to as ‘universal solvent’. Unfortunately, the substances that water dissolves can be unhealthy or even toxic. These substances can also ruin expensive plumbing fixtures and clothing. In addition, they can be offensive to our senses of taste, smell and aesthetic appearance.
Water can also “carry along” with it particles of sediment, dirt and rust. These are not dissolved in the water, but simply carried with the flowing water, or held suspended in standing water. Nevertheless, they can do damage just the same.
If we think back to our school days, most of us can remember studying the “hydrological cycle”. You remember the process of how water vapor condenses in the atmosphere and falls to the earth as precipitation. Once on the surface of the earth, most of the water evaporates back into the atmosphere, where it will again condense and fall back to the earth as precipitation. About 30% of the precipitation, however, does not evaporate. Instead, it seeps into the ground or runs off into streams, rivers, or lakes. As the water seeps into the ground or as it flows over the surface, it dissolves minerals and other substances contained in the ground. Under the surface, the water tends to collect in porous portions called ‘aquifers’. These aquifers are the source of our well water.
Points to Keep in Mind
- Water as found in nature, will always have some substances dissolved in it.
- It will always have the potential to have particles suspended in it.
- It will always have the potential to be a suitable home to disease causing organisms.
This is true of “fresh” mountain streams, well water, and even municipally treated water systems. To achieve “pure water”, or anything close to that goal, water must be filtered or treated in some way. These conditions vary greatly, not only from one region of the country to another, but also within the same general location. Water drawn from wells in the same area may not be exactly the same. The quality of water from a municipality owned treatment facility will depend upon the age and condition of the equipment. Even though the water may be classified as safe to drink, the aesthetic quality may be less than desirable.
Hardness – Calcium
The term hardness refers to the quantity of dissolved calcium and magnesium in water. These minerals, which primarily come from limestone type rock formations, are found to some degree in almost all natural waters. Calcium and magnesium cause problems for two principal reasons:
The term hardness refers to the quantity of dissolved calcium and magnesium in water. These minerals, which primarily come from limestone type rock formations, are found to some degree in almost all natural waters. Calcium and magnesium cause problems for two principal reasons:
- When the water is warmed, they precipitate out of solution and form a hard, rock-like scale. This scale accelerates corrosion, restricts flow, and reduces heat transfer in water heaters and boilers.
- When they combine with soap, they react to form a curd, which interferes with cleaning, dries out skin, and leaves deposits on plumbing and clothes (bathtub ring; ring around collar etc).
The presence of iron is a very common water quality problem particularly in water from deep wells. Water containing even a significant quantity of iron may appear clear when drawn, but will rapidly turn red upon exposure to air. This process is called oxidation, and involves the conversion of ferrous (dissolved) iron, which is highly soluble, to ferric (precipitated) iron, which is largely insoluble. The ferric iron then causes red/brown staining of clothes, fixtures, etc. Staining usually becomes a problem at concentrations greater than 0.3 ppm. Removal is through ion exchange or oxidation.
The presence of iron is a very common water quality problem particularly in water from deep wells. Water containing even a significant quantity of iron may appear clear when drawn, but will rapidly turn red upon exposure to air. This process is called oxidation, and involves the conversion of ferrous (dissolved) iron, which is highly soluble, to ferric (precipitated) iron, which is largely insoluble. The ferric iron then causes red/brown staining of clothes, fixtures, etc. Staining usually becomes a problem at concentrations greater than 0.3 ppm. Removal is through ion exchange or oxidation.
Sulfur/Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen Sulfide also called sulfur is a gas which smells strongly like rotten eggs. It results from the decay of organic matter with organic sulfur and the presence of certain types of bacteria. Even very low concentrations are offensive as well as highly corrosive (silver tarnishes almost immediately upon contact with hydrogen sulfide).
Because it is in a gaseous form, H2S cannot be collected in a sample bottle for laboratory analysis. Therefore it must be tested for onsite. Depending upon the test results, it can be removed by oxidation/filtration.
Hydrogen Sulfide also called sulfur is a gas which smells strongly like rotten eggs. It results from the decay of organic matter with organic sulfur and the presence of certain types of bacteria. Even very low concentrations are offensive as well as highly corrosive (silver tarnishes almost immediately upon contact with hydrogen sulfide).
Because it is in a gaseous form, H2S cannot be collected in a sample bottle for laboratory analysis. Therefore it must be tested for onsite. Depending upon the test results, it can be removed by oxidation/filtration.
Turbidity is a measure of suspended particles in water and can range from large particles which settle out of a solution rapidly (such as sand), to extremely fine sediment which may stay suspended in solution even after standing for hours. Treatment depends upon size, which is measured in microns. Removal can be performed using an automatic backwash filter and the appropriate media.
Turbidity is a measure of suspended particles in water and can range from large particles which settle out of a solution rapidly (such as sand), to extremely fine sediment which may stay suspended in solution even after standing for hours. Treatment depends upon size, which is measured in microns. Removal can be performed using an automatic backwash filter and the appropriate media.
Tastes and Odors
Most tastes and odors are caused by the presence of organic matter and chlorine. The vast majority of these can be removed with activated carbon.
Most tastes and odors are caused by the presence of organic matter and chlorine. The vast majority of these can be removed with activated carbon.